3 Reasons to Include YouTube in Your Marketing Strategy
Hey there and welcome to another episode of Tips & Tech Talk. I am your host, Ron, a Michigan YouTube Marketer and today joined by Lisa Majewski from Site Traffic Digital Marketing. Today we’re going to be talking about 3 reasons why you should be using video to promote your business on YouTube.
YouTube Marketing Benefit #1: It’s a High Traffic Website
Ron: Just how high of a traffic website? Lisa, how many people go to YouTube? It’s quite extraordinary.
Lisa: YouTube has 1.5 billion users. So just to put that into perspective, if you’re comparing YouTube to other social media platforms, YouTube users come only second to Facebook. So that means more users than Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat. It’s certainly worth noting for other marketers and entrepreneurs just the amount of outreach you have to potential clients.
YouTube Marketing Benefit #2: It’s the Second Largest Search Engine
Ron: YouTube is the second largest search engine next to Google. That’s a lot of eyeballs on one website and one search engine, for that matter.
Lisa: Most of the time, people think that the second largest search engine next to Google would be Bing or Yahoo, when actually it’s YouTube. If you think about it, as a consumer, I’m sure at one point or another, you’ve been on YouTube searching for how to do something or solutions to problems. So as a business owner or marketer, what you should be doing is uploading video content that will be solutions to these problems, answers to these questions.
For example, if you are, let’s say a hairstylist, maybe you want to upload videos on how to do a wedding up-do. Or if you’re a remodeling contractor, you might upload a video on how to maintain your hardwood floors or even how to install them. You don’t want give away all the tricks of the trade, but you just want to give them enough information to get the brand awareness out there for your business and be the authority in your industry.
Ron: No matter what kind of business you’re promoting, it’s important to get eyeballs on that video to talk about your business, and there’s really no better platform for that than YouTube. Case in point, anytime I’m about to buy any gear, cameras, tripods, anything, I always watch video testimonials. And at least in the last couple years, instead of going to Google as a search engine first, I’m all about YouTube and I look it up on YouTube before I even go to Google.
Which brings me to my next point. It’s great, it’s a great search engine, but how can people allow themselves to be found on such a big platform?
Lisa: Part one would be actually producing quality video content. But that’s only half of it. You don’t want to just blindly upload a video to YouTube and think that it’s going to get found. There’s actually some technical things that you can do to the video, and I like to tell clients to think of YouTube like a robot that is looking for certain indications about what your video is about and how it’s relevant it is to the search. So there are things you can do, like choose your title very carefully.
So let’s say you want to be found for “Michigan Video Marketer”. You don’t want to just blindly upload a video and not think about what you’re going to call it. The title might be “Michigan Video Marketer Discusses Different Drones”, things like that. Then you also want to make sure you take that phrase and include it in the tags. Also include different variations of that phrase in the tags.
YouTube Marketing Benefit #3: It Enhances Your SEO
Ron: And the third reason why you should promote your Michigan business on YouTube is it increases your SEO, your search engine optimization. And really that’s what it’s all about. Lisa, talk to me about how using YouTube for your videos will increase your SEO.
Lisa: Okay, so we talked about how, in order to have your videos be found on YouTube that we do a little bit of optimization, you know, using key phrases carefully, things like that. Well, those same techniques that help us get found on YouTube, they actually help that same video display in the Google search results. And actually, YouTube is owned by Google, so it’s no surprise that they would want to promote their own content.
So, for example, one technique that I use for clients is we’ll take this video and we’ll optimize it. Then we’ll create a transcription and we will post the transcription to the blog. So now we have two pieces of content from one video. We have a blog article; we also have a YouTube video and a Vimeo video. So instead of having one piece of content that shows up in the Google search results, you might have three or four. Not only does that take up more real estate on Google search results, you’re pushing your competitors further down the page.
Ron: I want to thank Lisa for joining me, and I hope you learned something today about social media, about search engine optimization, but ultimately why you should be making videos and sharing them on YouTube. Like I said, I hope you liked this video; I hope you learned something. Share it. Click that “like” icon.
Also, check out more of my work at my YouTube channel, click that “bell” icon to make sure you’re notified when I make future videos. And of course, check out more of my work at ronrobinsonstudios.com. Joint us next week. Lisa will be joining us again. We’ll have more tips on how you can step up your social media game to increase your SEO. Thanks for joining us. We’ll see you next time, right here, for another episode of Tips & Tech Talk.
Looking for a Michigan video marketing company to help promote your business?
Contact Ron Robinson Studios today by calling: 586-256-3637