Hey there, welcome to another episode of Tips & Tech Talk. I’m your host Ron. I’m a Michigan videographer and today I’m going to talk about six things you can do to make your videos look better.
One of the most common questions that I get out there is, what kind of camera should I use? What is the best camera to shoot video? The truth of the matter is, there are some cameras that are better than others. That’s no lie but the best camera I tell people is the one that you have with you and for most people that’s your cell phone.
The truth is, cell phones, whether you have an Android or an iPhone take exceptional pictures and they take exceptional videos. Today’s video is not about which camera’s the best but we’re going to talk about six things you can do to make your video quality better.
Video Production Tip #1
Make sure you plan your video and plan your shots.
Have an idea what you want to accomplish with your video.
Do you have B roll for your video?
Do you have video to enhance the subject matter that you’re going to cover?
These are all things you want figure out before you hit record on your camera. So make sure you plan your video and plan your shots before you start shooting.
Video Production Tip #2
Know the importance of good lighting.
A lot of people can’t afford or don’t have a lighting system, a three point lighting system or otherwise. So what you need to do is use natural light. But a lot of people make the mistake of shooting into the light when you really want the light to point towards the subject that you’re shooting in the video.
Always have the light behind the camera pointing in the same direction. You never want to shoot into the natural light.
Video Production Tip #3
Number three – Use external microphones whenever possible.
The truth of the matter is, most cameras although they shoot great video, the quality of internal microphone leaves a lot to be desired.
So your best bet is to go out and buy yourself an external microphone. Now these microphones can range in price any where from $40.00 to $1,000.00.
Video Production Tip #4
Use a tripod, a monopod, or a gorilla pod.
Use a tripod if you want your shots to be smooth. You don’t want any shake, and if you have someone holding the camera, they move around a little bit and it looks shaky and it’s not very good.
So use a monopod, a tripod or what I like to use is this gorilla pod which has been great because not only can you stand it in different environments, you can also use things like railings to tie it up and get a straight shot at whatever you’re shooting, so it’s very versatile.
But whenever possible use a monopod, use a tripod or use a gorilla pod to get those smooth shots that you’re looking for.
Video Production Tip #5
Have a call of action in your video.
What do you want to viewer to do after they watch it? Do you want them to call you? Do you want them to check out their website? Do you want them to look at an external webpage? Do you want them buy something? What is your dream scenario after someone watches your video? What is your goal? What do you want them to do? Have a call of action.
Video Production Tip #6
Entertain, educate and entertain.
What I mean by that is, when someone watches your video, not only does it have to be entertaining and educational, but more importantly it has to keep their interest. You literally have less than 5 seconds from the time the viewer hits play before you either have their attention or they’re going to switch you off. So make sure you entertain, educate and entertain with your videos.
Michigan Videographer Shares 6 Tips on How to Shoot Better Videos
So there you have it, six things you can do to make better videos. I hope you like this video. More importantly, I hope you learned something. If you did, please like it, share it with your friends, and, of course, subscribe to my YouTube channel and hit that bell icon to make sure you’re notified when I make future videos.
Interested in using video to promote your business? Be sure to read about: Video Marketing Campaigns for Businesses
Thanks for joining me and again, check out more of my work at ronrobinsonstudios.com. We’ll see you next time here on Tips & Tech Talk, thanks for watching.