Hey there, and welcome to another episode of Tips & Tech Talk, I’m your host Ron – a licensed drone pilot in Michigan. Today we’re talking about the 4 essential, must have cinematic shots you need to capture when you’re out flying your drone. Number 1, The Orbit. Number 2, The Reveal. Number 3, The Super Dolley. And number 4, The High Pan.
Cinematic Drone Shot #1 – The Orbit
The orbit shot can be difficult, but this shot involves the operator of the drone to rotate around the subject 360 degrees.
Some drones will allow you to create points of interest or waypoints, and will automatically circle around your subject, turning a once challenging shot into a shot every beginner can accomplish.
Cinematic Drone Shot #2 – The Reveal
This shot, as the name implies, is a shot in which you reveal your subject but not right away.
One idea is to have your drones start flying towards your subject with the camera facing down. Then, slowly tilt up to reveal your subject. It can be a person or a thing. Slow the pan tilt speeds if you’re having trouble ending the reveal shot smoothly. Sometimes that will happen.
Frame your shots also with trees, structures, or other elements in the foreground. The closer your drone is to these elements, the more energy the video will show resulting in a great shot – a very cinematic shot.
Cinematic Drone Shot #3 – The Super Dolley
There are scores of different shots that a drone can achieve that resemble those shots made possible by dollies, cranes and stabilizers.
For example, have your subject move towards your drone while the drone is flying backwards leading your subject. While dollying back have your drone raise up to reveal the surroundings.
You can do this for a subject, a structure or even a landscape. Use your drone for side to side tracking shots. These are also very cool.
Cinematic Drone Shot #4 – The High Pan
This is a classic shot. It’s probably one of the most popular cinematic drone shots that you can get. The high pan shot is perfect for establishing or showing up your surroundings. Launch your drone. Fly up to your desired altitude and start slowly panning your camera around.
Now make sure you allow for plenty of options in post production. You can capture the pan from left to right as well as right to left.
If you like this video please subscribe to my YouTube channel and hit that bell icon to make sure you are notified when I make future videos, and of course you can see more of my work at ronrobinsstudios.com. Tune in next week for another episode of Tips & Tech Talk. Thanks for watching, we’ll see you then.
More Drone Tips >> 5 Things You Should Know Before Flying Your Drone
Hire a Professional Michigan Drone Pilot
If you are looking for a licensed drone pilot in Michigan, Ron Robinson Studios services a variety of industries from real estate, golf courses, agriculture and everything in between. To learn more about our Michigan drone services, call: 586-256-3637.